Dec 24, 2013

Life after marriage~



So this is a part of 3ziz and dana's life after marriage before they had their children! 


" la mst7eell 3ziz laaa, laish chy laishh? 3zizz i97aa 3zizz" She cried
He approached her lurching, mumbling random words. As he was coming closer, she stepped back with every step he took. Now he is only inches away, she could smell his awful odor. 


" Smlaah 3laich dana yba gomii.. danaa" 3ziz tried waking her up 

After several minutes she woke up frightened, terrified, almost crying. River of sweat covering her face..

" Ahh 3ziizz" She hugged him tightly and cried like a baby that just found his mother 

" Smla 3laichh 7beebty smlaa hdy shwy, bas 7lmm 7bebty " He calmed her down

" 3zii-z in-ta hn-y? int 9a-7i 9a-7 maf-ek shayy? int mo sk-ra-an 97?" She sobbed 

" kani ybaa walla mafeni shay oboi intti, 7yati inti ana m3acch" He hugged her tighter 

He kept calming her down until she slept

In the morning she woke up before him , she kissed his forehead and took a long relaxing shower, trying to clear her mind, trying hardly to forget the dream!

After the long shower she got dressed and headed toward him

"3ziz 7bebi" She kissed his cheeks 

"Hmm" he half opened his eyes and smiled 

" yala 7bebi btt25r 3l dwam" she took of the blanket 


After a long day, both of them came back home and got ready to have lunch

" Dano sh7lmty ams?" 3ziz asked worried as he held her hands 

" Ah 5la9 insaa wla shay" She said

"la mafi shy isma wla shy btgoulen y3nie btgoulen" He insisted  

" uff 3zoz tkfaaa" She gave him a heartbreaking stare 

" 3n hl 7rkat la 2aklch a7en" He giggled 

"zain 5la9 5la9 yl3need bgoulk b3d el '3da" And she sat on the table

They had their lunch, dana wished that it will take forever to have lunch and he will forget BUUTTTT

" tra mansaaiit" He grinned 

" adri fek d3la" she smirked

" yala t3ali g3di w gouli ly" He sat on the couch
She sat beside him and started talking " Knt 7lmana inkk.. shsma, uf inkk skran" she played with her hands to avoid any eye contacts 

" zain kmly?" He said 

" bas mafi shy akmla, knt skran w d5lt elbait w bas" She sighed 

"wl7en hl 7lm el '3bi m'9aygch?" He hugged her from the side 

" 3zoz 7asa ina mb zain, 7asa inh 9j 9ar aw by9er" She was worried as hell!

"ha, la shd3wa lt5afen, mst7el y9er 9j" 3ziz mumbled quickly

"Atmanaaa" She said 

Abdul3ziz's POV: 
Lazm agoulhaa!! magdrr a5sh 3laiha zyadaaa lazm! a5af tz3l? la la ma'9n l2na 5la9 shy 9ar w bs ! La 5la9 mo lazm agoul! La b3den ymkn 7d ygoulha ! f yji mny elklam a7sn! bas.. A555 5laa99 bgoul!! 

"3zoozz" Dana waved her hands front his face to bring him back to the sad reality! 
 "Haala" He muttered 

"Shfeeek?" She asked  

"mafeenii shy 7beebtyy bas n3san" A small smile showed on his face 


After a long session of thinking and deciding whether he tell her or not he decided that he will tell her.. he called her right away so he wouldn't change his mind ..

" Dana inty wainch?" He sounded serious

" hala 7bebi, fy katara m3a rb3i b3d shwy raj3a" She said 

"Hmm zain b3d shwy jay ana bmrch bng3d fy Chac'late abi aklmch fy mw'9o3" He said

"inshalla na6rtkk" She said it with a shaky terrified voice, he never was serious like that


They took a table for two and rested on the chairs and once they were done from ordering he started talking 

" Hmm danaa, shsma hay el shy 9ar mn zman w inshalla mayn3ad w bgoulch eli 9ar bs lw sm7ty ltga63eni"

She nodded 

"Ah .. t'thkren kan fy ftra knt dayman at25r w sa3at marj3 baitna? kan 3mri tgreban 19- 20?  , ah shsma hl ftra kaant fy wayed mshakl fl jam3a w bain rb3i w fy baitnaa b3ad fa fy wa7d mn elshbab allah yhdeh g9 3lai, w shsma 3lmni 3l shrrb-"

She gasped, her face showed the shock she got in ! She was blinking hard as if to keep back tears , she was staring with a widely beating heart.. and that stopped him from continuing for several minutes 

" Kamel kamel asm3kk" She spoke with a distorted voice .. 

" Zain f admnt w kan m7d ydri 7g awl sh'hor b3dain faisal shafni w hz2ni w gal 7g oboi w 39bo w gamo yhddon, knt 5ayf ina omy t3rf w 3rfat ll2sff, w 9ar kl elbait '9ddi 7awlt wayeed iny awgf w fshalt fl bdaya b3dha 3wdt nfsi iny bs ashrb mra fl isbo3 aw mra fy isbo3en w gdrt iny awgf w 9aro may5loni asafr bro7i l2n y5afon arj3 ashrb bs 3gbha bsna 3adi 5la9.. glt agoulch bnfsi w 3shan matfsren el7lm w ts2len a7d, anaa asff dana 5shait 3nch hl shay bas 5la9 magdr askttt akthrr.. w b3dha 9ar feeni cancer" He inhaled and exhaled deeply 

Dana's own eyes stung and her vision blurred.. She couldn't utter a word..

The shock was unbearable... her thin face lost colour .. 

"3ziz ma3rf shgoulkk.... wayed 9dmtni" She said in a voice barely above a whisper 

"Dana lch el 7g t39been w tt'9aygen .. shy mo hayen , bs lt5len el ma'9y w shy 9ar w inshalla mayn3ad yfrgnaa" He seemed lost

 "mmkn twdeni baitna? bait oboi" Dana broke the silence that didn't last more than 5 minutes 

"A55 zain yala" He called the waiter and payed and got up..


They were walking to the car, he tried holding her hand.. but all his attempts failed.

She was furious, mad , shocked! 

He turned on the car engine and the car began to gather speed.. Right after that he pulled up to her father's house 

He kissed her forehead and whispered " fkri alf mra gbl mata5then ay grar aw ay 56wa w t2kdi ina ily glta lch mara7 yn3add inshalla.. alla y7ff'99chh w ys'hl 6regch" 

She smiled and went out of the car straight  into the house.. 


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.. yes she didn't talk to him for two months! After a long time and many decisions she made her mind and decided to go to their house and work it out! 

She got dressed ,applied some make up, wore her heels and off she went..


She entered the house with quick steps and excitement.. she finally gathered her strength and courage and stood up to face reality  

He was laying on the couch and his eyes shut, obviously he was sleeping 

Dana sat on the edge on the couch and pulled his head to rest on her laps, right after that he woke up 

"Daannaa??" He hugged her

" 3younhaa" She smiled 

" w7shteeni , yawailch lw 5leteni mra thanyaa" He frowned 

" toba tobaaa, 5la9 lazm nnsa ily 9aarr w nbda 7ya jdeda 33dlll?" She grinned 

" 3addell wrbb el k3baa 33ddl" He smiled 

تزعل واراضيك واتلذذ بتزعيلك
تبي الصراحه انا مجنون زعلاتك
لاقمت تبعد وانا اقرب وادنيلك
وامسك طرف غترتي وامش دمعاتك
وتبدي تعاتب وانا كل انتبااهي لك
ما اسمعك شتقول انا عيني على شفاتك
وتعيد حجيك وتفرك حيل منديلك
وتخالطت صادق حروفك بوناتك
واحاول ارضيك ومدري منين ابديلك
واحتار واذكرك في بعض زلاتك
واسمعك ماكتبته بك واغنيلك
طاروقك اللي تحبه واكسر سكاتك
واستسمحك واعذرك واسمعك واشكيلك
واتلهف لبسمتك ورد ضحكاتك
يسرقني الوقت ولا يمديني احجيلك
كلام اللي تحفظته لشوفاتك
وقت الوعد فات وعيوني تراعيلك
وقفيت واشغلت القلب بلتفاتك
عيني على خطوتك والقلب يدعيلك
الله يحفظك من الحاسد وشماتك
تزعل واراضيك واتلذذ بتزعيلك
تبي الصراحه انا اعشق كل حالاتك

Commeennttt ppleeasseee w is3dooonniii
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_

Oct 12, 2013

اشوف غيري واقف مكاني، جنب الي كنت ابيه..

I miss you guys soo much, i miss typing w your comments:( Here is a short story! enjoy it my beloved readers

صدق مخطوبة يافلانة ؟
 صدق باكر يزفونك ؟
عسى انه لا يجي باكر وشوف الدمعة بعيونك ...

:She replied
مجبورة وغصب يافلان

But she couldn't continue the text, she broke down and started sobbing hardly, crying sharply. She felt whatever had been holding her up, the current of sheer willpower and determination collapse. She hugged herself with her arms, her head bent down and her whole body shaking. Her pulse was racing , her mind working furiously. She never pictured herself with anyone rather than him. She never wanted to be far away from him. He was her everything! she drowned in the middle of his ocean and she never tried to survive. She enjoyed his company, she loved him all her life. 

?And his side
He was dying slowly! The thought of her with someone else was just killing him, his heart breaks into pieces when he remembers that she will live in a place with someone called her husband, someone can have her all the time
She's got a man, another situation
I understand that's how it's got to be
Ain't trying to cause her no complications
I'd walk away, but I'm in too deep
I can't make no plans, got me so frustrated 'cause in my heart I want you desperately

It's not expected and not accepted to live without him 
It's like a nightmare, but with no ending 

That is life, we don't get everything we want. Not everyone live the life of Cinderella, not everyone can get her happy ending. But you know what my girl? I wish that this is your happy start, but i'm sure that is my sad ending. 

احياناً نعيش الحب بصدق و نعشق من نحب عشقاً جنونياً، ترسم الاحلام و الاماني الجميلة نتأمل الحياة لكي نعيش روحين في جسد واحد .. لكن الظروف تأتي بحكم الاجداد و تجبرنا على الفراق ، و تمنع يستمر ذلك الحب الطاهر ....

ليه يازمان من بعدنا قلبي صبر ، جا اليوم الي نفترق فيه ليه قدر.. 

صبرنا و جا اليوم الي ماتوقعناه كنه،  من خمس سنين عشرة و احنا كنا لبعضنا يوم تشجعت و طلبت منج القرب صار ماهو يصلح لج يله وخري عنه ... كنت اقول يحلمون الي فيج يفكرون كنت اقول مالج يا بنيه غيري بديل ، كنا نقول ماراح نترك بعضنا لو شنو يسون،  لكن كله طلع حلم يلي مافي غيرج مثيل، فرقونا حتى مشاعرنا كذبوها ارخصو فينا ابعشرتنا ارخصو بها..  ودي اشوفج يا قلبي والله كان ودي لكن كل شيء راح من يدي و قلب ضدي فرقونا
 و قالوا هاي القدر ، اكتب لكن دمعت عيني تمسحها الحبر طفوا النور الي كان علينا مستنير ما اقول غير يا الله قوني و عطني نعمة الصبر .. 

شلون اسامح زماني و الي احبه خذاه غيري و انا الي اولى منه فرقونا و يقولون ماجمعهم نصيب بعد ما ملى قلبي قولوا لي شلون ابعد عنه؟ لو فرقونا بداخلي حب ما مات اصحى من نومي و القى على الخد عبرات و اقول دموعي ان شاء الله ما تنساني يا اجمل مامر بعمري و احلى اللحظات بعدوني عنك يالغالي و بطول الليالي علينا و التزم بالصمت و القلب مكسور..  حبك فالقلب فوق عالي ، فوق عالي انت حبي الاول لا ما بعدك حب ثاني
توادعنا انا وياه وش الي فيني تركته الله يصبرني على فرقاك و السهر الي سهرته، تأكدي ما مات الحب الي في داخلي بعده حي..  هالحلم الي ابيه و النهاية؟ ولا شيء ...

هذا اليوم الي حلمت فيه 
و اشوف غيري واقف مكاني، جنب الي كنت ابيه، ااههه ياا زماانن.. 


Commeennttt ppleeasseee
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_

Jul 21, 2013

It's the only way I can escape~

Heey whats up with you all? i miss you my beautiful readers wallah<3! Elmhm , i wrote this and i wanted to share it with you all, Enjoy reading it amazing people! 

And this post goes to my one and only 3joztii @Smellofperfume I LOVE YOU ❤ 

p.s: I love you all<3

Between the lines
lines of lyrics I read with admiration 
"Tho the pressures hard to take
It's the only way i can escape" 
Escaping from reality..
Usually, most of the people who escape from reality have the most hard problems or are stuck in a complicated dilemma.

Everyone has their own way of escaping reality like; sleeping, taking depression pills, get drunk, smoke, do drugs and more.. Every one has their own reasons for doing it.

Fathers get drunk and rape their own freakin' children, mothers don't care about their own children, men put a great amount of pressure on his wife, women put a great amount of pressure on their husband. Parents get divorced. Unfortunately, divorced parents blame each other when their children are wasted or drunk.

Many young adults or as we call them "teenagers" escape reality by cutting, doing drugs, drinking, and fall in stupid relationships, just because of what I mentioned! 

No i'm not talking about non-arabs, i'm talking about arabs, the non-fully muslims.. 

You're asking about how can a muslim not be a fully muslim? Many muslims are naming themselves muslims  but they are not doing any prayers, not fasting, not thanking their god for what he has given them, they have poor belief and  faith. What kind of muslim you are if you get drunk, do drugs, and cut? Prophet Mohammed never did it, he is our guide, we must follow him and do what he has done for islam. We can't judge anyone, only god can.. but we can help many people out there. Don't be surprised I know many people like this, and those days people become worse. They think if they live their lives drinking, smoking, being in bad relationships that they will forget or escape from reality, but no.. I'm so sad that people came to this level, where they think they can do anything..!

If you are facing problems in your life escaping reality is not the solution, face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be,  live in peace, don't disobey your god.. You can't escape life, as Omar ibn AlKhattab said:
(نهرب من قدر الله الى قدر الله) 
So just wait for the good things to happen and be thankful


Comment please and give me your opinions..
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_

Jul 5, 2013

Chapter Thirty Six *Last chapter*

As you witness the story has come to an end
It was a long, amazing, exciting journey, it was a good decision i took when i started the blog. I knew new  amazing and gorgeous friends who suporrted me and encouraged me to continue posting.. I'm so thankful that i knew them... 
I love you all! you're all just amazing 
Ll7een ma9dg ina elg9aa 5l9t, elwgt ymr bsr3a mashallah, 6 months passed quickly wla 7sait feeh. Jaadd kaan a7la shy your comments beautiful readers

Thaannkkss a lot @Smellofperfume @Itsdeama @Niza_Nemo @Thatswashii @Searchinglove_ @AbrarehA @LoveIsA_Mystery @Nofahalturki @Alnowaiser__ @fhasan1998 @Saudi_bloggerxx @Justalostheart8 @__EmanA @saudiiblog606 @RayanaSM , DanaaMA , FattmaBA , Nooni.w.b , Sharefa.AlDosari, My close friends xx and My silent readers!!!<3 and every anonymous that comments, THAANNKYYOUUU ALL, I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH<3 

Thankyou all for reading my storryyy, i wish you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed typing it.. Asfa lw i was rude in anything:p w i'm soo soo sorry itha g9rt b7gkm, love you all<3 

And now enjoy the chapter :

The next day, they arrived at 12 pm, all of them was here. 

We picked them up then we headed to a restaurant, after that we cruised around the city, until night, we wanted to make this day unforgettable. 

We don't know if tomorrow we will see 3ziz or not. 

The thought of losing him, move me to  river of tears, what if i really lost him? 


Besmllah! And he entered the operation room, w gulbi m3ah
Kna klna mtjm3en braa3 nn6r 3laa naar... 7bebi el kl 5ayf 3laaiihh.. 

gbl mayd5l 36ani wrgaa gali lw 9ar feni shayy w magmt igrehaa itha rj3t lkm w inj7t el 3amaleyaa ana bgoulch elklaam:c 

Gal el doctor ina bta5th el 3maleyaa 6-8 sa3at, allah y9brnaa, elkll ygraa quraan, w ily yd3y w ily y9ee7 kan  el w'93 m2saahh... 

Our family went through a lot of dilemmas this year, we lost special and precious person, my mom.. And we are not ready at all to lose anyone again.. 


1 minute of waiting felt like 10 hours, time was passing slowly, i can feel the tense in the air, we were so nervous and worried.. 

My one and only, my love , my best friend  , my husband, my all, is under bad conditions, maybe he will be healed and maybe not , maybe this is his last breath and maybe it will last forever , Ahh shush it dana, he will be fine inshallah, he will be fine.. 

We kept praying, i was silent, i cried silently and prayed... 

It was a really hard time.. 

And now 9 hours passed w he is still inside.. 

We started to freak out.. but thanks god after half an hour he got out... 

They took him directly to a private room, they didn't allow us to enter 

They said he will wake up tomorrow or after tomorrow 

We all stayed until 1 am.. 

"Yallah imshw bnrou7 el fndg w bachr el 9b7 bnrd" My dad said 

They all stood up except me 

"Dana yallah goumi" Turki whispered 

"Mara7 arou7 bg3d m3ah" I was nervous and angry
t3rfoun hl sh3oor ily ttnrfzon mn ay shyy w mtwtren? eeh bl'9b6:c

"Dana bla 3nad w goumi" M7md said 

"Glt lk mabi, yaa5ii ryly kaifyy!! shlon a5leeh brou7h?? lw manoor feha shyy smla 3laiha mara7 t5leha akeed" i cried 

"5la9 5la9 baba g3dy bs lazm 7d yg3d m3ach" Dad hugged me 

"5laa9 3my ana ag3d m3aha" Turki said 

"tslm 7beebi, yallah take care" They all went.. 

Awkward silence.. 

"Asfa 39bt 3laik turki" I gave him a cracky smile 

" haha 3adi 7bebtty" he grinned 

We stayed chatting while we were waiting for 3ziz to wake up, every second I get up and check on him from the small glass window, I wished if i could enter there and hug him tight:(

I over slept that night with a heavy heart and worried mind.. 


I couldn't sleep well, every 3 hours i wake up.. 

At 6Am I decided to grab coffee from Starbucks.. It was located near the hospital

I went to the bathroom and did my business , fixed my hair and my makeup and got out, Turki was still sleeping , he looked so tired, so i didn't wake him up.. 

I walked to Starbucks since it wasn't that far.. 
I grabbed 2 frap for Turki and I. 

After that I headed back to the hospital. 

"Wain kntyy?" Turki woke up as soon as i entered the room 

t3rfoun '3rf el mstshfa ily ykoun fy 9ala istgbal w fy '3rfha bs ykoun bainhm baab? eeh hay chy.. 

"Jbt lk frap mn starbucks" i smiled 

"Uhh 7beebti inty shokran" He took it and hugged me 

"El3fww" i grinned 

I peeked through the small window and 3ziz is still sleeping. 

I couldn't wait any longer so i asked the nurse if i can enter, and after long begging she accepted. 

As soon she said yes i directly ran to his room and opened the door slowly, i tiptoed to the bed, His face looked paler than ever..! I couldn't help with my tears.  

I held his hands tight, and kissed them.. 

"3zizz, oboy inta tkfa goum , yallah 3ad lttdl3 3lainaa, 5la9 3ziz goum wallah magdr ag3d l7'9a bdounk, 3ziz adri ink tsm3nii tkfaa lt6wl 3lainaa, Int daymn maknt t7b ily ynamon wayed, w int elyoum nmt wayed, yallah 3ad goum, lttdl3 3laina adri ink b5air w mafek shy w btgoum w btkoun a7sn mn awl w bnswy kl shyy nbeeh, int daymn knt tby bungee jump, w ana maknt aby aswy m3ak l2ni a5af bs wa3d bs tshfaa aswy m3ak ily tbeeh tkfaa 3zizz, int bs goum w kl shy tbeh y9eer"  I sobbed hardly  

"3ziz lw 7aas feni bs i'9'36 3laa eedy aw bs 7rkk eedkk" I continued crying

I Brought a chair and sat next to him , i held his hands and rested my head on the bed.

I Closed my eyes tight and prayed for him.. i over slept.

Fzait mn noumi lma 7sait byd maska ydy bgwaa.. 

rf3t rassii wla 3ziz woke up!!! 

I wass sooo haapppyyyy!! 

"3zizzz 7yaatti el7mdella 3lslamaa" I kissed his forehead 

"Allah yslmch"  his voice soft and urgent

"A7bkk 3zizz allah y5leek ly, matdry shkthr knt 5ayfa 3laikk wallah , lw 9ar fek shy ra7 amoutt" I teared

"Laish laish hl dmo3? 5laa9 kanii hny" He smiled 

I wiped my tears and pulled a cracky smile

"brou7 aklmhm w agoulhm ink 97aitt" I Grinned 

" zain sa3deni baba aby a5th shower" He said 

" Zain 7yati int , yallah goum" i held his hands , he stood up and headed to the bathroom 

I called my father and told him that he woke up , he said they will be here in few minutes.

Turki and I headed down so we can grab some lunch for 3ziz.. 

We brought him lunch and headed back to the room 

"3zizz?" i called him 


"3zozz yallah 3ad rd" i knocked on the room 

 I started to worry 

"3ziz lw maft7t elbab bdsh kaifk 3ad labs wla mo labs" I said 

I started shivering 

I opened the door and here he was, he was laying on the floor 

"3ZIZZ" I shouted 

Turki quickly called the doctor and the nurses.. 

They came rushing, they laid him on the bed, checked on him.. 

"Dana lt5afen el 3amaleya nj7t w kl shy tmam w el7mdellah ra7 el cancer , bs he passed out, l2nh makml el mo'3thy" Doctor 6areq said 

"Mshkoorr doctor" I fake a smile 

"El3fw bnty maswait '3air elwajb" He smiled 

He went and the nurses too.. 

I went to 3ziz and sat with him.. 

All the family came when 3ziz woke up again, and now my besties are around me... 


After few days 3ziz 6l3 mn el mstshfa w he is way better now el7mdellaahh.. 

Now we are really enjoying our honeymoon, days is getting better and better with 3ziz.. 

We passed through many problems, dilemmas and depression but always remember life will get better, even if we lose some precious things.. 

3ziz and Dana last forever , Dana give a give to an amazing little girl and boy, faisal and al'3laa.. 

3ziz was carrying me like a baby, one hand under my knees and one hand around my neck..

"Baby i love you soo much, allah lay7rmni mnch, matdren shkthr knt mt'9ayg lma we acted like siblings, Jad a7bchh 7aaiilll , allah y5leech ly w y5leni lch, w nbga 6oul el7ayaa swaa" He kissed my red, warm cheeks, I was blushing like hell. 

Their  life is much better now, Muneera and m7md have 2 cute kids , Sul6an , fahad, 6lal , turki, al3noud and sara all got married. We all became much closer than before , every one is happy now... 

So this is life, life doesn't always give us what we want , this is why we must fight for the thing we need, we must face our problems and fight them , we must have hope in god, he put this in our destiny for a reason so go with it, and never lose hope... 

Only once in your life,truly believe, you will find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend, husband, bestfriend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.


The last bit i didn't write it btw:p
And you may found many mistakes i didn't check it:p tbh? 3yzana:p

Commeennttt ppleeasseee , and make my day.
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_

Jul 1, 2013

Chapter Thirty Five~

Muneera, Al3noud , sara, my aunties and i, we were at the shop, shopping for the party that we will throw for my dad's birthday. 

We bought different dresses, and bought cake , and everything we needed. 

We planned that at 11:30, ina el 9byan bywdon oboy ytmshaa w i7na bnft7 el shmo3 w bn3dl elmkan.

I was soo excited. 


The clock stroked 11:30, I quickly called turki and the guys and told them to go to my dad. 

They all went and directly we started organizing the place, the candles, the balloons, the cake, the soft drinks, the gifts, everything was prepared. 

We all got dressed. 

And now it's sharply 12:00! 

Dad came with his closed eyes.

"1, 2 , 3" And they took off the cloth that was surrounded around his eyes. 

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you , happy birthday to fasail happy birthday to you" We all sang with our miserable voices

" Sweet 58 dad, I LOVE YOU" I hugged him tightly 

" Abaaihh, 7baaybi intww, laish klftw 3la 3mrkm? tslmoon wallah mag9rtw" Dad smiled widely 

Everyone hugged him and wished him a happy birthday, after that we gave him our gifts, i bought him a huge bouquet of roses with Rolex watch. 

We sat on the sand, 3ziz, 6alal, Fahad, M7md, Sul6an,Turki, Rakan,  Uncle Meshari, Dad, Al3noud, Muneera, Raneem , Alzain , Sara , My auntie's and I. That means all of us. 

We enjoyed eating the cake. Right after that Meshari called me. 

" Dana t3ali shwy abech" He gave me a weird stare 

I stood up and walked to him. 

We walked along the shore 

"Amr?" i said 

"A-h dana, bma ina inty agrb w7da ly y3nie, A-h knt aby agoulch ina fy w7da a7bhaa" He scratched the back of his neck, He was BLUSHING=)) 

I laughed so hard at him 

"Shno y'97k?" He said with an angry tone 

"ahh-" i continued laughing 

"Agoulch shy injl3y injl3y el shrha 3ly mklmch w 7sbtch insana bs 6l3ty 7mara" He said 

"Hahah laa laa mashoor 5laa9" I stopped laughing and looked at him 

"Tra ma'97kt 3la klamk, bs l2nk mst7y w 5dodk 7mra" i giggled 

" Zain ma3lainaa" He said 

"Zain gouli mn hy t3eest el 7'9 ily omha da3ya 3laiha" I chuckled 

"t3esst el7'9 haa?" He said that sentence as he carried me on his back.

"Ylbaaii555 nzlnny" i giggled 

"Mafyy 5lch yl5aysaa" He said 

"NZZZLLNNNYYY" i shouted 

"Osh skty a7sn" he laughed 

We went back to them, w hw ll7en manzlnyy 

"3ZIZZ SHOUFHH" i laughed

"3zzoozz tkfa gouli shlon mst7mlhaa?" Mishari grinned 

3ziz stood up and took me away from Meshari. 

Then he sat down and i had my head on his lap and  laid down. 

"Hathyy gulbi" He kissed my forehead 

"GET A ROOM" Turki chuckled 

" w rou7i" He kissed my cheeks

"Get" Turki started
"a" M7md continued 
"freaking" Fahad laughed 
"room" Rakan completed 

I blushed so hard 

"Yaa5i wsh3laikm? mrty kaify" 3ziz raised his eyebrow 

"Lyfoutkm wyh dano" Al3noud laughed 

3ziz gave her a fake death stare 

"Ah ag9d wjh raneem" She laughed 

"Laa? 7lfy bs y7maraa, wyhy a7la mn wyhch" Raneem giggled 

"Zain zain 5la9 l7d ymout 3lainaa" Sul6an said, as we all laughed 

" Mashoor agouull? " i raised my eyebrows  

"y7mara laaa" Meshari put his hands on my mouth 

"Mm 5laa9" I bite his hands 

"A777" He gasped 

"A7snn" i laughed 

"g6wa mb danaa" He pinched me. 


So two weeks passed, 3ziz and I moved to UK 

3ziz started his chemo therapy, seeing the person that you love twisting in pain, i just can't handle it. Every time he takes his chemo therapy he act strong but i know he is dying from the pain. 

After tomorrow is his Operation, 20% that it will fail , bs inshallah 5air. 

I'm soo afraid to lose him, he was my everything, still he is my everything, i try to make him happy gad magdrr. I pray for him every moment. 

Tomorrow all the family will be here, at uk for his operation, i'm freaking out. 


The next day, they arrived at 12 pm, all of them was here. 

We picked them up then we headed to a restaurant, after that we cruised around the city, until night, we wanted to make this day unforgettable. 

We don't know if tomorrow we will see 3ziz or not. 

The thought of losing him, move me to  river of tears, what if i really lost him? 


As you see guys, the next chapter is the last chapter in this story :p
i need your support:(

Commeennttt ppleeasseee , and make my day.
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_