May 30, 2013

Chapter Twenty Eight~


"Oh, dude chill" Khalifa came toward me

" Well? mn ily btjeeb ras'ha?" I laughed sarcastically 

"Ahh nobod-" 

"Inty! eyh inty.." Khalifa interrupted 9ale7 

9ale7 gave him a sharp stare 

" you ' i moved my gaze toward khalefa ' , i was expecting anything evil and bad from you, but 9ale7? what happened huh? where is the good guy? i mean the fake good guy, i didn't harm you with anything why are you doing all this? " i yelled 

"Heyy chill and stop this drama" khalefa yelled back 

"Dramaa 3yl? ana a3lmk shno y3nie drama"  faisal shouted as  he started beating khalifa

9ale7 wanted to hit faisal from the back but the guy that was with them pulled him back, and then ran to where khalifa and faisal where and started to pull them away from each other. 

They continued hitting and we couldn't do anything until 6alal, fahad , turki and sul6an. They stopped the mess that was happening.

"Int mara7 t5leha b7alhaa?" Sul6an shouted loudly 

I was standing behind faisal, while my fingers clutched tightly on his shirt. 

Khalifa didn't dare to say anything 

"Wallah, lw hl 7rka in3adt? thek elsa3a bngablk m3a oboha w obok" Fahad yelled at khalifa as he pushed him hardly

"Wnt lw grbt 9oubha yawailk" Turki shouted at 9ale7 


Faisal leaned against me while we were walking back to the shalaih.. 

The walk back to the shalaih was quiet. 

I was so blessed to have them around me..
Our three weeks vacation ended, we just said our goodbyes to our families and headed to the airport,  turki, rakan and faisal did our business while we sat on the chairs waiting for them to call us. 

After few minutes that seemed like hours they call us and we headed to the airplane 

Alzain ,Rakan , Faisal and Raneem sat together , Turki and I  alone. 

before the airplane took off, faisal started to panic, this crazy phobia he has. 

"Gosh he has phobia from airplanes, i forgot" i panicked 

"zain t3ali inty t3rfen tt9rfen m3ah  " Rakan said 

"Eyh goumi ranemo" alzain said 

Raneem was holding faisal's  hands so tight 

"La 3adi, 5la9 mafeh shy" raneem said 

"Ahh aby dana, raneem please?" faisal said 

raneem seemed disappointed 

"bs n6er rj3y mkanch" I said 

"La 5la9 a9ln bnam" She was mad. 

i changed places with raneem. 

The plane took off and everything was okayy

"Raneem yallah t3ali" Faisal smiled 

"La 5la9 msh lazm" Raneem didn't give him attention, she was playing with her iPad. 

"yallah 3ad" Faisal begged 

"Uho 5la9 3ad glt mabi" Raneem almost shouted 

"Bla dl3" rakan laughed 

She gave him a death stare 

"5la9 yba 5laa9" Rakan laughed 

تغار حتى من الهوى
يا ويل حالي يا هوى

خفف من الغيره علي
لي قلب غيرك ما هوى

شفني احبك و اتبعك
ريم الهوى في مرتعك

انا معك او مش معك
قلبي وروحي لك سوى

احبك لحد الهيام
مابعد حبك به غرام

الاول انت ف الامام
"القلب غيرك ما نوى 
Faisal sang with his miserable voice 
Raneem blushed and smiled like a fool 

we laughed at them, then i went back to my seat

After 13 boring hours we arrived 

we headed directly to the apartment and drifted into a deep sleep. 


and sorry for  the short and boring posstt:(

Commeennttt ppleeasseee , and make my day PWEASSEE
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_

May 23, 2013

Chapter Twenty Seven~

This post is dedicated to @Niza_Nemo , @RayanaSM , @SmellOfPerfume and  @thatswashii and fattmaba
Lovee yaa all<3


At 12am i headed back to my apartment, i texted 3ziz telling him about his brother melchaa, but  like always i didn't get any respond or answer.. 

" Heeyy 3ziz, how are you doing? i wish that you're fine, Elyoum melchat faisal , he looked handsome, they all were happy , except for me, knt atmnaa ink tkoun m3ana w tfr7 b5ouk, adri ink ra7 tgra w mara7 trd , bs 7bait agoulk iny magdr 3la b3dk akthr  w elshoug '3lbnyy wjr7 elfrag kan agwa , lakn kly ily agdr agoulh t7ml brou7k w allah y7f'9k" 
 Dana's  eyes stung and her vision blurred , she sent him the message and slept. 


i woke up from the noisy doorbell rings.
i checked my phone it was 1 pm. 

Yarabi y3nie mn ra7 yjy hl wgt? 

i got up washed my face and wore my robe, i opened the door it was raneem , faisal, turki, rakan and alzain

" i hate you all" i gave them a death stare

"Bl sh'hl 7gd? laish inshallah?" faisal  raised his eyebrow 

"l2nkm mat5loni elwa7d ynam 3la ra7taa" i yawned 

"5la9 3yl i7nna bnrou7" Turki joked 

"i7lf bs 3gb magwmtoni btrou7on?" i chuckled

We laughed 

i greeted them and they sat down 

"Mfaj2a 7lwa 97?" Raneem giggled 

"Laa" i teased 

"Haha okay okay yadanaaa" She stared 

"Zain ana bbdl w bsb7 w bjy" i excused my self 

"lbsy shy 7g l3b" Faisal said 

"Hm okaayy" i said 

I took a quick shower wore my free city pants with my celine white shirt and my tods flats 

I dried my hair and made it into a high bun and applied soft make up. 

I walked to the living room , i heard more noises and more voices 

" b59ou9 ely 3azmeen nfshm y3nie? kl shwy tzedoon" i laughed as i greeted sara, 3anod, 6alal, fahad and sultan

"offf 6rdaa?" Sultan laughed 

"Hahaha la 7yakm allah" i smiled 

" Zain maglty lna sh'hl zain?" Turki winked 

" Haha a9ln mn youmi jmelh" I teased 

"Yalbgraa ga3d amd7 elshgaa" He laughed  hardly 

" y3nie ana mb jmelh:(?" i acted sad 

"Daa inty elgmal koloo" He pinched my cheeks

I giggled shyly 

" zain wain bnrou7?" Sara asked 

"Bnrou7 shailah , bs bnl3b buggies w b6ab6 w bnam hnaak" Sul6an said with excitement 

" wnasaaa mn zman mal3bt buggies" 3anoud said happily 

"Ana 9arli sna markbt" Turki said 

"Bl shd3waa?" fahad asked 

"Hahah wallah" Turki said 

" laish zain?" 6alal asked 

" l2n mafi wgt, el7en mn sna bs arou7 america 7g el jam3a b3dain arj3 qatar w kl youm gathering f mafi wgt a6l3" He explained  

" Ya7raam" faisal said with a fake sad tone 

"tt6nz haa?" Turki laughed 

" Maynlam wallah" Raneem giggled 

"Intw 7dkm 3la o5oy eld3laa" Alzain chuckled  

" Makthbtyy youm glty inh d3la maa looveeee" rakan laughed his ass off 

We all laughed 

"9j inkm 7meer" Turki laughed with us 

"Hahah bs bs 7raam wayed t6nztww" fahad laughed 

"He iz our brozer it'z okaayy if we teased him" 6alal laughed 

" if you didn't talk probably i will kill you wiz maa handz" Rakan gave him a fake death stare and tried to hide his laugh but he couldn't so he laughed soo hard 

"Intw sharbeen shy?" Sara giggled 

"Agoul bs bs sktw 5lna nrou7 3shan manw9l mt25r" Fahad said 

We all hopped into our cars, 3anoud , sara, raneem, alzain and i in my car and the boys split into 3 cars. 

We arrived at 2:30 , we had our lunch after that we headed out side and they drove their buggies and motorcycles but i laid on the sand and had my headphones on, i didn't feel well and i had a bad headache. 

After 1 hour it felt worse , i searched for panadol but i didn't find so i grabbed my buggy keys and hopped in, i called  turki to tell him 

"Aloo" Turki said 

"Haala turki, bgoulk ana ray7a elsupermarket ely jmb elgate ba5th ly panadol mn el pharmacy ily hnak w b5m lkm chips w hl 5rabe6" I said 

" zain n6reni bjy m3ach" He said as he hang up. 

After 10 minutes he was here. 

So he sat next to me and we drove to the supermarket 

i headed to the pharmacy and he went inside the supermarket 

i got a pack of  panadol and then i called him to check where is he

"Ana 9oub el soft  drinks" He said 

"Zain yallah jaya" I hang up 

i was busy putting my phone in the bag. 
I bumped into a muscular, hard chest. 

"Oucchh" He  gasped 

"Abaayy sorry" i said as i rubbed my head 

"oh halaa danaa, la it's okayy" He said 

Well it was 9ale7 

"oh haalaa 9ale7" we shook hands 

"A5barrchh? mn zman 3nch wallah" He smiled 

"tmam wallah, ha 3yl mta rdait mn america?" i asked 

"b3dkm bkm youm, ya5i zhg hnak" he  answered 

"Eyh wallah" i agreed with him 

" zain yallah ashoufk 3la 5air turki is waiting for me" i smiled 

"take care sweety, nshoufch 3gb one more week in america" He chuckled 

as soon as he left i went to the drinks section and meet with turki 

"ha 5l9t?" i asked 

"Eyh yallah bs bagi el icecream" He smiled 

"Uh zaina na brou7 ajeb ly kitkat w kinder" i said 

"lat5afen jbt lch kl shy t7beenhh, kinder, kitkat, nutella, coke and green lays " He grinned 

"Ahhh shkrrnn turkii" i pinched his cheeks 

"El3ffw" He gave me a million dollar smile 

we continued our supermarket shopping after that we headed back to the shalaih, we organized the fridge and put the food on the counter. 

Turki and i entered  the living room they were all sitting down 

"Zain jetww ana jo3anaaa" Alzain shouted as she headed to the kitchen 

Turki laughed at his sister 

"hblaa" Turki grinned 

"I7m ana mar'9aa" Rakan said as his cheeks flashed with 50 shades of red, he was the kind of guys that is always shy and gentle.. 

"Some one is blushhiinnn'" Faisal laughed 

Alzain came back and kissed his cheeks 

"Abaayy inta wayed 7aarr" Alzain frowned 

" She means you're hot" 6alal laughed 

Both alzain and rakan's cheeks blushed. 

They are lovely couples.. 

"Alalh y5leekm lb3'9" i smiled 

Faisal knew exactly what was behind this smile 

Shafny bn'9rt ely "Mafy shy ystahl" 

I nodded..

i grabbed my headphones and my buggy keys and excused my self 

"3la wain?" Rakan asked 

"btmsha shwyy" i answered 

"5loha 3la ra7thaaa" Faisal said


i cruised around the chalets, one chalet grabbed my attention i saw 9al7 with KHALEFA 

I stopped my buggy at the side and walked to their shalaih 

i heard him saying 

"In6r shwy 3laay wallah la ajeeb ras'haa" 9ale7 laughed sarcastically 

"Wallah ink rayaall" Khalefa laughed devilishly 

"7raam 3laikm wallah, karma will slap you hardly i swear " the other guy said 

"6eer bs" khalifa gave him a death stare 

Oh booyy , you can't play with me. 

I approached them with a rapidly beating heart. 

"Well boys , i'm not the kind of girls that you can play with easily" i gave them a shity stare as i texted faisal quickly and told him to come with m7md my brother since he is here with his friends.

"Oh, dude chill" Khalifa came toward me

Commeennttt ppleeasseee , and make my day pleaaaseee
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_

May 19, 2013

Short Story - What about now?
Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_


" I missed you" He hugged her tight, squeezing her to his chest, breathing in deeply her scent, that he missed so much. . After one year of departure, after on year of missing her so badly, after one year of depression, after one year of tears, after one year of building him self, after one year fighting with everyone for her, just for her. 

"i missed you more but--" 

"Shh, we can chat later" he cut her off while he hugged her again tightly. 

"But, we can't delay this subject!" she almost shouted

"Oh, What's going on darling" he said while sitting on the wet rocks, and pulled her down to set with him. 

"I, i got married to my cousin while you were at uk, i was forced i swear" she said blinking hard as if to keep her tears back  

"What??" his voice broke off in a gasp 

The disappointment was unbearable 

All she said was silence. 

"Are you joking or what? You're coming after 1 year of torment telling me that you're married? Hello wake up!! What the hell did i do, so i got all this shits? haa? tell me? i fought with everyone so i can marry you,  i went to continue my masters just to marry you and now you're simply saying that you're married after all of this?" He shouted as he hit his fist hardly on the rock, causing it to bleed. 

The pain made him gasp. After an instant , blood began welling out of the wound, dripping down his fist like wax down a candlestick. 

"YOUR HANDS" She shouted 

The sight of the blood moved her to rivers of tears. 

"Ah you care now? this wound will be healed , but the wound that you caused in my heart will never be fixed or healed" He said with a shaky voice and teary eyes 

She got some tissues  from her bag and wrapped it around his fist 

"What now, that is it?" He said in a voice barely above a whisper 

"Well, goodluck with your life, i wish the best for you" She said while she held his hands between her's and kissed it. 

"Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading,
From all the things that we are
But are not saying
Can we see beyond the stars?
And make it to the dawn?

Change the colors of the sky
And open up to
The ways you made me feel alive,
The ways I loved you
For all the things that never died,
To make it through the night,
Love will find you

What about now,
What about today,
What if you’re making me all that I was meant to be,
What if our love never went away,
What if it’s lost behind words we could never find,
Baby, before it’s too late,
What about now.

The sun is breaking in your eyes
To start a new day
This broken heart can still survive
With a touch of your grace
Shadows fade into the light
I am by your side,
Where love will find you

What about now,
What about today,
What if you’re making me all that I was meant to be,
What if our love had never went away,
What if it’s lost behind words we could never find
Baby, before it’s too late,
What about now.
What about now? " He sang with his soft voice

She got up hugged him tightly, kissed his forehead, and unconsciously left. 

He could no longer see the dark bulk of her figure. 

She left him again for the second time 

That day she went away, and took his heart with her. 

May 18, 2013

Chapter twenty six~


We all sat at the majls 

"laykon hay khalefaa" raneem whispered as she turned her gaze to khalifaa 

"Eyh" i replied with a disgusted tone 

"dgegh ana a3lmch feeh" She laughed 

"Agoul khalifaa, ams knt flcinemaa?" she asked him 

"Eyh laish?" he said 

"La bs shft w7da 7a6h 9orh 3l instagram, int wyaha w ybyn wrakm elgates malt elcinema" She said sarcastically

I laughed hard 

He got angry and left 

"Inty maynonnhh??" M7md said angrily 

Oops i forgot that he is here 

"And the devil talks now" i laughed sarcastically. 


His blood boiled with rage, He was shouting loudly!

"5lait el i7tram 7g wld 3mk elm7trm w lk" i said a with a wildly beating heart

"tra hy malha 59 ana ily tklmt" Raneem said frightened 

Every one was shocked, they were silent, amazed and surprised by what is  happening 

He looked at her with disgust and ignored her, after that he turned his gaze back to me. 

"wallah ya dana lw ma3dlty islobch elzft yawailch" He gave me dirty look

"Ana a3aml elnas mthl may3amloni" i said 

"inty el7chyy m3ach '9ay3" He got more angry 

"rou7 adwrh" i laughed sarcastically

He got more angry, as i laughed more and more. 

He was really annoyed

i took a last glance of him after that i headed to the living room where my mom and aunties was. 

"Yuma, shraych a6l3ch inty w 5alatii?" I suggested. 

"Eyh wallah yallah" My mom agreed 

Mom,  aunties and i hopped into my porsche and headed to Shakespeare and co. 


We sat down and ordered our meals.. 

"Isboo3 eljayy elmlcha traa, ams obo faisal klmhm w 56boha  tjhzww, faisal smlh 3laih yby ymlchon gbl ma trdon america , 6l3t bnt alxxxxx ily omhaa 79aah ily kant m3ana fljam3a " Auntie shai5h*3ziz and faisal's mother* smiled 

"Zain zain yallah allah ytmm 3la 5air" Auntie fa6ma* 6alal, al3anoud, sara's mother* said 

"3add ma3rff shno albss" auntie 3asha *muneera, sul6an and fahad's mother* frowned 

"Wyh 3ad inty fsateench tjnn 3n el3yara" my mom giggled 

i laughed 

i felt someone pocking my shoulders i turned around and it was turki

i was surprised

I greeted him 

"Mama, this is turki , raneem's cousin, Kan m3ana fy america" i smiled 

"halaa youma" my mom said 

he greeted them 

"3yl brou7k?" i asked 

"la ana m3a raneem bs na6rha tjy, w shftch f glt aslm" he smiled 

"Yallah ana ast2'thn" He said 

"Yallah turk--, ohh halaa danaa" Raneem hugged me and greeted my aunties and my mom. 

"g3dww m3nh" aunt shai5h suggested 

"la 5alltyy mangdr asfen lazm arou7 adwr ly dress" raneem frowned 

"Wyh zain yallah, t7mlw bnfskm allah y7f'9km " Aunt shai5h smiled 

They went as we continued our chit chat and ate our food, after that i dropped my auntie's and mom at my grandmother house and excused my self to go back to my apartment. 
After 1 week 
We were all at the huge back yard  at my grandmother's house, dressed and had makeup on. We were waiting for the men to come after mayktbon elktab w ymlchoon, so raneem will be officially for faisal. 

Raneem was sitting on the beautiful, perfectly decorated coach, on the huge white stage waiting for her husband, Faisal. 

The loud music was on and everyone dancing on the stage, the mothers were sitting and chit chatting.. 

After 3 hours it was 8 pm the men came and now faisal and raneem are officially married, but they will be throwing a wedding after finishing collage, that is a year from now. 

Faisal took raneem out for dinner, and the guest enjoyed the buffet. 

At 12am i headed back to my apartment, i texted 3ziz telling him about his brother melchaa, but  like always i didn't get any respond or answer.. 

" Heeyy 3ziz, how are you doing? i wish that you're fine, Elyoum melchat faisal , he looked handsome, they all were happy , except for me, knt atmnaa ink tkoun m3ana w tfr7 b5ouk, adri ink ra7 tgra w mara7 trd , bs 7bait agoulk iny magdr 3la b3dk akthr  w elshoug '3lbnyy wjr7 elfrag kan agwa , lakn kly ily agdr agoulh t7ml brou7k w allah y7f'9k" 
 Dana's  eyes stung and her vision blurred , she sent him the message and slept. 

Men ashra7 lah men 7keelaa? Men ashkee lah alam lefraag? .. ou men ghairek bhal 3alam ye3arf shloun yehaddeeny .. takhayyal ghaibetek 3anny takhayyal 7argat el ashwag ou ta3ref laih ana atrajjaak edainek tebga beedainyy..


Kik: @Autredreamer_ 
Instagram: M.blog_
Sorry for not posting bs i wasn't in the mood to write:p