We chatted for a while then at 11 we all headed back to our houses.
it's 3:00pm all of us in our rooms at Grand-hayat hotel, we was getting ready for m7md and muneera's wedding.
the hairdresser kant tswy my hair w the others b3d kano yswon sh3rhm, i was done at 5:00 , then i started with my makeup, it was soo simple , and my hair was simple too.
i was fully done at 7:00 i wore my abaya l2n i was wearing my pj;p
i checked 3la elga3a and the food and the servers.
Everything was perfect<3
i headed back to the room and got dressed and wore
i fixed my hair w i was done, it was 8 lazm nnzl gbl elnas , i checked on mom
me: OMGG MAMA JMEELHHH*kissing her forehead*
mom: mb ajml mnch<3
me; yallah lazm nnzl ,
when we reached elga3h, I'M soo excited, allah ytmm 3laihm<3
We entered , my aunt om manoor was there, and 3anoud and sara , grandmother , was there too, w my aunts
We stayed a little bit , then people started to come.
At 11 elga3aa kant mlyana mashallah, bs elga3a kbera so kft.
At 11:30 Muneera lazm tdsh, i went up to her
me: yallah YA GMEEL INTAA
muneera: dano chub wallah 5ayfa a6e-7---
i interrupted her
me: bs chub chub imshy gdami w ana bmsk eedch so bs chub.
we got in the elevator and headed down.
The big gates was wide open and manoora was in.
I walked her to her koosha, she was shivering like craazzyyyyyy.
people went to her w slmw w hl swalf.
.....: 7beebty inty bnt xxx 97? i5t m7md?
me: eyh 5alty
....: mashallah kbrty, shzench tbark allah..
me: tslmen 5alty
.....: ma3rfteni? ymaa ana rfejt omch ,om jassim alxxx
me: ee 3rftch halla wallah, wn3m..
Om jassim: 7bebty wallah
Om jassim: mb mtzwja 97?
me; la 5alty ;*
om jassim : eeh mashallah, allah yrzgch inshalla..
me: tslmen 5alty...
I chatted with her until they called me and told me to announce that they are coming
i went to the dj woman
me: Bnat tra elryayeel ra7 yd5lon;*
And nnnooww m7md entered , with a bunch of mens behind him, To be honest he looked soo hot with the besht.. Dad, uncles, cousins, 3ziz, 6lal, faisal, fahad kanw behind him.
He headed to the koosha and kissed manoora's forehead, THEY LOOKED SUPER CUTE.
I headed to the kosha slmt 3laihm w 9wrt m3ahm then our family all came and we took some pictures, I was standing on the stage , i was about to walk down when i felt somebody pocked my shoulders i turned around , it was Khalifa , wld 3my..
He was soo close to us , bs youm kbrna 9art mshakl bain our dad w uncle , bs now everything is fine..
Khalifa: OMG , t'3yrtyy yl5ayysaa
me : i7m:$
Let me describe 5alifa , he is tall, He have messy ksha hair, hazel eyes , he is a brother to me to be honest.
me: wajd 3'9lt bsk._.
khalifa : a7ssnn 3shan akoun hot:$ , f'thmtch y3nie ana mb hot?
He is hot wajd bs maby agoulh 3shan may9dg 3mrh=))
me: la tlw3 elchbd , mn zenk bs*devilish smile*
Khalifa: 5lait elzain lch yal7ywana=))
khalifa: yallah brou7 ana,
me: rou7h m3a rada
he gave me a silly stare and went.
i sat with manoora and m7md.
We stayed until 5 o'clock kl 7d ra7 ila our close family, we stayed dancing and at 7 we headed to our rooms, i took a quick shower, ft7t sh3rry, w ms7t elmakeup. our rooms kano klhm in the same floor i was alone in the room, saro w 3nod, mom with dad, om manoora w oboha together w elBoys klhm in two rooms, w 6b3n manoor w 7mod together.
i tried to sleep bs i couldn't , i decide to go and have some breakfast/lunch at villagio mall.
It was 11 o'clock.
i got ready and wore my black leather gucci leggings, with my turquoise shirt with my turquoise hermes slippers , applied some makeup , took my Celine bag and wore my abaya and headed out of the room, i went to the boys room 3shan ashouf lw 7d byjy m3ay..
When i was about to knock the door someone pocked my shoulders
i turned around it was 3ziz
me: int manmt?
3ziz: la wallah majani noum shrbt chay wayed*giggling*
me: 7ta ana majani noum:(
3ziz: zain 3la wain i5ty kash5a bt6l3en?
me: eyy brou7 villagio aby lunch w aby arou7 cartier, w shoppig , wanna join baby?
3ziz: sure , bs bbdl lw sm7ty y3nie mb bs inty tksh5een=))
me: oky na6rtk
he went and got out, he wore his thob, and getra and LV flats how ccuutttteeee:(
me: uff a7la 3laik wallahh:( you are soo damn cute brother*hug*
3ziz: hehe:$ adry*giggling*
me: chub matn36a wayh=))
me: syartk wla syarty?
3ziz: la syarty a7sn
We entered his Black G55 and off to villagio .
i updated my bbm " out with lovely 3ziz<3."
3ziz; b76 lch ihda2
me: zain nsm3..
he opened the radio w 766 guess what?
keeeeeeep going
fkro shwy
5la9 bgoul:$$
bnyty el7boobh=))!
me: ya7ywan , 7sbt mn 9jk-.- bay5 wa7d=))
3ziz: *laughing so hard*
we arrived at villagio , 12:30..
3ziz: shopping wla '3da? wla 3l3ks?
me: hmm la awl 5nswy shopping b3dain bnrou7 shake shack b3dain maya?
3ziz: yaallaahh off we goo
we entered Van Cleef & Arpels
3ziz: ba5th 7g omy gift choose please:(
me: hmm hay 7lween * i pointed on a beautiful pair of earrings*
3ziz: okaaaayyy
3ziz: please give me this , and rap the box please.
man: here you go,
3ziz payed then we went out
we went to gucci i wanted to buy for him something chy 6ra fy bali;p.
I saw a cute simple belt , w beautiful pair of flats
me: please i need these
3ziz: 7g mn inshallah?
me: : sh'hlgafa?=))
3ziz: kaifyy-.-
We was walking around and shopping then i stopped when i read a message that was sent to me
"Hey dana, Bgoulch elklam mn ela5rr hdyy 3ziz a7sn lch, w yawailch lw glty 7g 7d 3n hl klam, w lw fkrty thdtenh klmeni, ya5i 7sy a7bch allah yl3n el3dw , hdeeh wla ra7 tn'9roun klkm"
i dropped my phone, and my jaw dropped too..
3ziz: shfeeech dano?
i couldn't talk i pointed at the phone
he picked it up and read the message
3ziz: 5raaa!! , Ignore okay?
i nodded
3ziz : haaaayyyy drama queen smile
i couldn't resist it but laugh.
We headed to Shake shack
We ordered and sat down
My phone vibrated again
Oh shack shake? Nice choice.
i let out a sigh and showed 3ziz the phone
3ziz: glt ignore-.-
me: haha inshallah
They brought our food , we started eating
3ziz: Hm this is for you tra;p *giving me the Van Cleef & Arpels bag*
me: oh my god , 7beeby:(
me: i have a thing for you too
me: tf'9l *i gave him the gucci bag *, gift for the best gift in my life<3
3ziz: 7yaaatttiii dano:( klba a7bch yl5aysa
me: me too ya a7la brother=)) g9dy a5ys
3ziz: 9j klbaaa
we stayed silent for a while
3ziz: mn ttwg3en hay elzft?
me: mdrry wallah*sigh*
3ziz: ltshelen hm sister *kissing my cheeks*
me: inshallah 7uby:(
When we was done we walked around shwy then
3ziz: maya wla laduree?
me: Laduree
we headed to laduree and Ordered coffee with macroons for take away.
We drove off to the hotel again
3ziz came to my room..
i ate my macroons and sat with 3ziz
3ziz : bnam 3ndch 3adi i5ty:p?
me: akeed o5oyy
i check the clock it was
4:pm ,
me: 3zoz brou7 anam btnam now?
3ziz : eyh yallah
the room had two separate beds so ana 3la w7da w 3ziz 3la w7da
We laid on the beds
i changed my pm to *sleeping**yawn*
i set alarm on 6pm.
i kissed 3ziz cheeks, remember he is my brother?
Me: Goodnight babyy*giggle*
3ziz : goodnight ylklba , gwmeni m3ach lw gmtyy
me: mn 3youni
i closed my eyes
And off to my dreamland<3
This annoying bell.
i Checked the clock it was 8 am;o
but it feeeeeeeellss G.O.O.D
i saw checked 3ziz , he was still sleeping._.
i washed my face and peeked out of the door it was 6lal
6lal: halla b2m elkshaa
Shwy ila faisal and fahad popped
Faisal: yl5roof ams fatch 6l3naa klnaa , inty w3zeez mtw?
Fahad: eeh wallah shd3wa noum ahl elkhf? ksrna elbab wla gmtw!
me: i7lff wallah ma7sait knt mwa9laa w 6l3t m3a 3zoz l2n kan hw elw7ed b3d mwa9l , rj3na 4 w nmna._.
Fahad: WJ3.=))
6lal: tra 7mod w manor safrw
me: i7lff abbaaaaiihhhhh maslmt:( UUFFFFF W3.
faisal: m7d gal lkm tnamon yl5rfan
me: 3ady=))
6lal: zain y3nie bntm wagfen hny? tra klhm rdw byouthm =)) bs 5lona n5es hny 3shan elshai5h dana*giggling*
me*while entering* : dshww, Haha i7m:$
3ziz popped out from the room: Goodmorning
me: 3zoz tra el7en 8 el9b7
3ziz: 7lffyyyy? abaaaaaiiihhhb nmna wayd =))
me; eeyh=)), tra ll7en n3sana:(
faisal: wj3 wj3 wj3 =))
Me: Chuubb:(
My phone vibrated
hm gathering with your cousins? Seems good.
All: shfech?
me: wla shyy
3ziz; The unknown?
me: uff eeh they are stalking me!
Faisal: shlsalfa?
3ziz told them
All: 5lhm ywloon
me: okeek
Me: brou7 a5th shower w bbdl w bjy
all: okyyy
I took a warm shower , wore my black leggings and my white tshirt with my Jeans jacket , and my Alexander McQueen Sandals.
i went and sat with them
me: shraykm Sleepover at my apartment?
All: Okay
Faisal: Nby pizzzaaa please*puppy face* Papa johns pizza please;p
me: afa 3laikk
me: i will pack w bjyy,
i packed , i was done so then we headed to my apartment, i called 3noud and sara to join, we chatted played truth or dare , fooled around and at 10 we ordered Papa john's pizza we stayed until 3am watched some movies then we slept.
Second post for todayy:p
fy thmtkm mastahl comment:(?
We chatted for a while then at 11 we all headed back to our houses.
it's 3:00pm all of us in our rooms at Grand-hayat hotel, we was getting ready for m7md and muneera's wedding.
the hairdresser kant tswy my hair w the others b3d kano yswon sh3rhm, i was done at 5:00 , then i started with my makeup, it was soo simple , and my hair was simple too.
i was fully done at 7:00 i wore my abaya l2n i was wearing my pj;p
i checked 3la elga3a and the food and the servers.
Everything was perfect<3
i headed back to the room and got dressed and wore
i fixed my hair w i was done, it was 8 lazm nnzl gbl elnas , i checked on mom
me: OMGG MAMA JMEELHHH*kissing her forehead*
mom: mb ajml mnch<3
me; yallah lazm nnzl ,
when we reached elga3h, I'M soo excited, allah ytmm 3laihm<3
We entered , my aunt om manoor was there, and 3anoud and sara , grandmother , was there too, w my aunts
We stayed a little bit , then people started to come.
At 11 elga3aa kant mlyana mashallah, bs elga3a kbera so kft.
At 11:30 Muneera lazm tdsh, i went up to her
me: yallah YA GMEEL INTAA
muneera: dano chub wallah 5ayfa a6e-7---
i interrupted her
me: bs chub chub imshy gdami w ana bmsk eedch so bs chub.
we got in the elevator and headed down.
The big gates was wide open and manoora was in.
I walked her to her koosha, she was shivering like craazzyyyyyy.
people went to her w slmw w hl swalf.
.....: 7beebty inty bnt xxx 97? i5t m7md?
me: eyh 5alty
....: mashallah kbrty, shzench tbark allah..
me: tslmen 5alty
.....: ma3rfteni? ymaa ana rfejt omch ,om jassim alxxx
me: ee 3rftch halla wallah, wn3m..
Om jassim: 7bebty wallah
Om jassim: mb mtzwja 97?
me; la 5alty ;*
om jassim : eeh mashallah, allah yrzgch inshalla..
me: tslmen 5alty...
I chatted with her until they called me and told me to announce that they are coming
i went to the dj woman
me: Bnat tra elryayeel ra7 yd5lon;*
And nnnooww m7md entered , with a bunch of mens behind him, To be honest he looked soo hot with the besht.. Dad, uncles, cousins, 3ziz, 6lal, faisal, fahad kanw behind him.
He headed to the koosha and kissed manoora's forehead, THEY LOOKED SUPER CUTE.
I headed to the kosha slmt 3laihm w 9wrt m3ahm then our family all came and we took some pictures, I was standing on the stage , i was about to walk down when i felt somebody pocked my shoulders i turned around , it was Khalifa , wld 3my..
He was soo close to us , bs youm kbrna 9art mshakl bain our dad w uncle , bs now everything is fine..
Khalifa: OMG , t'3yrtyy yl5ayysaa
me : i7m:$
Let me describe 5alifa , he is tall, He have messy ksha hair, hazel eyes , he is a brother to me to be honest.
me: wajd 3'9lt bsk._.
khalifa : a7ssnn 3shan akoun hot:$ , f'thmtch y3nie ana mb hot?
He is hot wajd bs maby agoulh 3shan may9dg 3mrh=))
me: la tlw3 elchbd , mn zenk bs*devilish smile*
Khalifa: 5lait elzain lch yal7ywana=))
khalifa: yallah brou7 ana,
me: rou7h m3a rada
he gave me a silly stare and went.
i sat with manoora and m7md.
We stayed until 5 o'clock kl 7d ra7 ila our close family, we stayed dancing and at 7 we headed to our rooms, i took a quick shower, ft7t sh3rry, w ms7t elmakeup. our rooms kano klhm in the same floor i was alone in the room, saro w 3nod, mom with dad, om manoora w oboha together w elBoys klhm in two rooms, w 6b3n manoor w 7mod together.
i tried to sleep bs i couldn't , i decide to go and have some breakfast/lunch at villagio mall.
It was 11 o'clock.
i got ready and wore my black leather gucci leggings, with my turquoise shirt with my turquoise hermes slippers , applied some makeup , took my Celine bag and wore my abaya and headed out of the room, i went to the boys room 3shan ashouf lw 7d byjy m3ay..
When i was about to knock the door someone pocked my shoulders
i turned around it was 3ziz
me: int manmt?
3ziz: la wallah majani noum shrbt chay wayed*giggling*
me: 7ta ana majani noum:(
3ziz: zain 3la wain i5ty kash5a bt6l3en?
me: eyy brou7 villagio aby lunch w aby arou7 cartier, w shoppig , wanna join baby?
3ziz: sure , bs bbdl lw sm7ty y3nie mb bs inty tksh5een=))
me: oky na6rtk
he went and got out, he wore his thob, and getra and LV flats how ccuutttteeee:(
me: uff a7la 3laik wallahh:( you are soo damn cute brother*hug*
3ziz: hehe:$ adry*giggling*
me: chub matn36a wayh=))
me: syartk wla syarty?
3ziz: la syarty a7sn
We entered his Black G55 and off to villagio .
i updated my bbm " out with lovely 3ziz<3."
3ziz; b76 lch ihda2
me: zain nsm3..
he opened the radio w 766 guess what?
keeeeeeep going
fkro shwy
5la9 bgoul:$$
bnyty el7boobh=))!
me: ya7ywan , 7sbt mn 9jk-.- bay5 wa7d=))
3ziz: *laughing so hard*
we arrived at villagio , 12:30..
3ziz: shopping wla '3da? wla 3l3ks?
me: hmm la awl 5nswy shopping b3dain bnrou7 shake shack b3dain maya?
3ziz: yaallaahh off we goo
we entered Van Cleef & Arpels
3ziz: ba5th 7g omy gift choose please:(
me: hmm hay 7lween * i pointed on a beautiful pair of earrings*
3ziz: okaaaayyy
3ziz: please give me this , and rap the box please.
man: here you go,
3ziz payed then we went out
we went to gucci i wanted to buy for him something chy 6ra fy bali;p.
I saw a cute simple belt , w beautiful pair of flats
me: please i need these
3ziz: 7g mn inshallah?
me: : sh'hlgafa?=))
3ziz: kaifyy-.-
We was walking around and shopping then i stopped when i read a message that was sent to me
"Hey dana, Bgoulch elklam mn ela5rr hdyy 3ziz a7sn lch, w yawailch lw glty 7g 7d 3n hl klam, w lw fkrty thdtenh klmeni, ya5i 7sy a7bch allah yl3n el3dw , hdeeh wla ra7 tn'9roun klkm"
i dropped my phone, and my jaw dropped too..
3ziz: shfeeech dano?
i couldn't talk i pointed at the phone
he picked it up and read the message
3ziz: 5raaa!! , Ignore okay?
i nodded
3ziz : haaaayyyy drama queen smile
i couldn't resist it but laugh.
We headed to Shake shack
We ordered and sat down
My phone vibrated again
Oh shack shake? Nice choice.
i let out a sigh and showed 3ziz the phone
3ziz: glt ignore-.-
me: haha inshallah
They brought our food , we started eating
3ziz: Hm this is for you tra;p *giving me the Van Cleef & Arpels bag*
me: oh my god , 7beeby:(
me: i have a thing for you too
me: tf'9l *i gave him the gucci bag *, gift for the best gift in my life<3
3ziz: 7yaaatttiii dano:( klba a7bch yl5aysa
me: me too ya a7la brother=)) g9dy a5ys
3ziz: 9j klbaaa
we stayed silent for a while
3ziz: mn ttwg3en hay elzft?
me: mdrry wallah*sigh*
3ziz: ltshelen hm sister *kissing my cheeks*
me: inshallah 7uby:(
When we was done we walked around shwy then
3ziz: maya wla laduree?
me: Laduree
we headed to laduree and Ordered coffee with macroons for take away.
We drove off to the hotel again
3ziz came to my room..
i ate my macroons and sat with 3ziz
3ziz : bnam 3ndch 3adi i5ty:p?
me: akeed o5oyy
i check the clock it was
4:pm ,
me: 3zoz brou7 anam btnam now?
3ziz : eyh yallah
the room had two separate beds so ana 3la w7da w 3ziz 3la w7da
We laid on the beds
i changed my pm to *sleeping**yawn*
i set alarm on 6pm.
i kissed 3ziz cheeks, remember he is my brother?
Me: Goodnight babyy*giggle*
3ziz : goodnight ylklba , gwmeni m3ach lw gmtyy
me: mn 3youni
i closed my eyes
And off to my dreamland<3
This annoying bell.
i Checked the clock it was 8 am;o
but it feeeeeeeellss G.O.O.D
i saw checked 3ziz , he was still sleeping._.
i washed my face and peeked out of the door it was 6lal
6lal: halla b2m elkshaa
Shwy ila faisal and fahad popped
Faisal: yl5roof ams fatch 6l3naa klnaa , inty w3zeez mtw?
Fahad: eeh wallah shd3wa noum ahl elkhf? ksrna elbab wla gmtw!
me: i7lff wallah ma7sait knt mwa9laa w 6l3t m3a 3zoz l2n kan hw elw7ed b3d mwa9l , rj3na 4 w nmna._.
Fahad: WJ3.=))
6lal: tra 7mod w manor safrw
me: i7lff abbaaaaiihhhhh maslmt:( UUFFFFF W3.
faisal: m7d gal lkm tnamon yl5rfan
me: 3ady=))
6lal: zain y3nie bntm wagfen hny? tra klhm rdw byouthm =)) bs 5lona n5es hny 3shan elshai5h dana*giggling*
me*while entering* : dshww, Haha i7m:$
3ziz popped out from the room: Goodmorning
me: 3zoz tra el7en 8 el9b7
3ziz: 7lffyyyy? abaaaaaiiihhhb nmna wayd =))
me; eeyh=)), tra ll7en n3sana:(
faisal: wj3 wj3 wj3 =))
Me: Chuubb:(
My phone vibrated
hm gathering with your cousins? Seems good.
All: shfech?
me: wla shyy
3ziz; The unknown?
me: uff eeh they are stalking me!
Faisal: shlsalfa?
3ziz told them
All: 5lhm ywloon
me: okeek
Me: brou7 a5th shower w bbdl w bjy
all: okyyy
I took a warm shower , wore my black leggings and my white tshirt with my Jeans jacket , and my Alexander McQueen Sandals.
i went and sat with them
me: shraykm Sleepover at my apartment?
All: Okay
Faisal: Nby pizzzaaa please*puppy face* Papa johns pizza please;p
me: afa 3laikk
me: i will pack w bjyy,
i packed , i was done so then we headed to my apartment, i called 3noud and sara to join, we chatted played truth or dare , fooled around and at 10 we ordered Papa john's pizza we stayed until 3am watched some movies then we slept.
Second post for todayy:p
fy thmtkm mastahl comment:(?
Kik: @Autredreamer_
Kik: @Autredreamer_
Instagram: M.blog_
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